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$10 phone sex

Each time you reload this page the ladies will randomly shift and you can always refresh the page to see when other ladies become available. Click on their photos to see more photos and sign up online or simply call!

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We are a No Taboo Service which means that any topic or fantasy you'd like to discuss is allowed and welcomed. We do not place limits on a fantasy or a conversation. You have complete freedom. 


All billing is done by phone with an Automated system. When you call you listen to the brief Preamble and then enter all of your credit card details. This prevents human error and keeps all of your information safer than giving it over to a live person. The procedure is painless. Once you have entered all of your information our system will recognize you in the future by your telephone number.

You'll be connected for the minimum price of $10 and will be able to extend your call for up to 20 minutes each time you'd like to go longer. Funds will be put on hold once the operator accepts your call. But you will ONLY be billed for your actual talk time after the call has ended.


Some clients prefer to set up their accounts online and we are happy to oblige. You can add as much in funds as you'd like. Some clients limit what they spend by adding funds on each call. Others add $100 or $200 and then do multiple calls in a month. This is more discreet for clients who do not want several different charges on their bill that a significant other may notice. You never lose your funds. They remain in your account until you use them for a call! There are many other benefits to paying online such as being able to email operators for free, being able to save your favorite girls, and having a complete report of what you have spent. Please use the button below to pay for your call online.


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